Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Corporations are People, my friend... TRILOGY

Put together in a collector's set for the first time, the "Corporations are people, my friend..." Trilogy is here for you. Read and share again and again, or just right now. Thank you for your interest!.

I. Bedtime Stories for Juvenile Corporations

Corporations are people, my friend...  Bedtime Stories for Juvenile Corporations

All people start out as children, and children usually enjoy bedtime stories to help them think about life and how to guide them as they grow up. Lessons are shared, to take into their dreams as they lay themselves down to rest. If, as Mitt Romeny declares, corporations are people, why should they not get their own bed time stories to help shape them into the people (corporations) they aspire to be? Below is a sample of list of corporation bedtime stories for the young ones.
Jack and the Bank Stock - FABLE
Young Jack starts with some magical seed money and watches a bank stock grow and grow, climbing along it until he arrives in the land of economic giants. There he finds a goose that lays golden tax loop eggs in off-shore accounts. Then Jack sees all the other riches at his disposal and runs from country club to golf course, brothel to Mitt fund raisers. But the singing harp must be stolen and saved from all the Giant Regulators who would have the harp singing to them. Follow Jack to see if he gets out of this one by running for President and learning how to change all the rules in his favor.
Good-Bye Moon - by Market-Wise Green
Every night, just like most children, juvenile corporations must learn to say good night, as practice for later exercises in saying good bye. This cheerful book helps corporations to say good bye to everyday things without worrying about where they go. "Good bye, Social Security," "Good bye, Unemployment," "Good bye, Health Care," and "Good bye, 47% of voters who won't vote for corporations or their puppets." But don’t stop there, Good bye, mountain tops, Good bye Gulf, Good bye clean air, Good bye endangered species…these are just a few of the fun Good Byes young corporations begin learning about. Come read this book to see more of the darling Good byes juvenile corporations practice leaving behind before sleeping peacefully.
One Slip, Two Slip, Pink Slip, Blue Slip - Dr. Sous
All grown up corporations know that firing people is one of the powers given to them when they have employees. This story is like an early game to help young corporations normalize the rejection they will one day force upon hundreds, if not thousands of people during their successful corporate lives. Who will get these slips? Let's see: Some are glad and some are sad and some are very, very bad. Some will travel near, some will travel far, by bus or boat or even car. But where there're from or where they be, is not important, you will see. We’ll watch them come, we see them go, but most of all we watch them blow, fast or slow, high or low, they’re only there to make us glow. And when we’re done we toss them out. And that’s what slips are all about. .
Little Boy Blue Collar & Other Nursery Rhymes
Little Boy Blue Collar come blow your horn, we’ve had whistleblowers before in our corn. Discredit, discredit, discredit, lie, lie, lie by the time the dust settles, they’ll be motes in your eye. Where is the regulator who looks after the sheep, he’s counting his money then going to sleep.
Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his workers could eat no lean, and so between the two of them, Jack got a corporate lawyer to keep him in the green.
Hey didde-diddle the corporation and the fiddle, inflation jumped over the moon. The stockholders laughed to see such a sport and the CEO ran away with the silver spoon.
‘Twas the Night Before Outsourcing
Twas the night before outsourcing, and all through the place,
Not a dollar was stirring, not even its face.
The stocks were all hung on the vault wall with care, in hope the CEO soon would be there. 
The workers were nestled at home in their beds, with visions of paychecks that hug in their heads. The Veeps in their neckties, the secretaries in their heels, were leaving their parties with vodka and squeals.
When out of an elevator there arose such a clatter, surveillance cameras tuned in to record the whole matter. .Follow along with the antics of this story as St. Nick comes in to determine who has been naughty and nice…
Sleeping Bane Corporation
At a gathering of investors, ready to christen the new-born corporation, it was discovered that one very important, and very mean, investor had mistakenly been left off the list of invitees. When he arrived, he was filled with wrath and ready to lay a curse on little Sleeping Bane. “One day, a stranger will come along, and using only his Mitt, he will cause sleeping Bane to be fingered by a prick and fall into disrepute.” With smoke and noxious bad-breath gases, the investor left his curse and the others worried about the ill-fate that might befall this newest, little infant corporation. Read all about how the Mitt showed up and fulfilled the curse. Would Sleeping Bane ever recover? Would true love be able to save it from complete embarrassment and unethical behavior?
Other Bedtime Stories for Juvenile Corporations Coming Soon:
Goldilocks and the 3 Hostile Take-Overs, 
  • Corporations Poo, too. A Potty-Training Book for Toddler Corporations
  • Little Corporation on the Prairie
  • Horton Hears a Loop-Hole
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stock

2.  When corporations become people

They Are
               or They Are Not
                                          and Then
                                                        They're Something Else

They use masks and make-up to conceal their earned faces

    Poo poo- pouting at themselves  <O>
                                                                <O> When they face the mirror
seeing they can never really hide
                                              the sneer lines, veining into contempt lines
                                                                                           veining into haughtiness pockets
                                                                                                                           depressed into their eyes
                                                                                         sharing vile celebrations of successful wrongs
                                           that etched history into their worldly countenance
     like the lines
tangling their brain paths
in and out of lies and truths
And understanding no real value
Or difference between the two.

The grown-up, agreed upon cultural lie
                                                       Starts with the Santa Lie
                                                                               Good things come from beyond
                                                                                                                                                       After Judging you
                         So Santa  judges them as so good that Santa rained toys upon them

a n d                         k i n d -uh                                                                             f o r g o t    most        kids.

They wanted to be at the CENTER of the SANTA CLUB, TOO.

They pounce upon one another’s pallets with delectable sweetness, in beautifully crafted pastries

With social agreements

Not to shatter the illusion.

Do they know who they are, after they’ve crafted their illusions
Corrupting delusions of fairness and goodness

                                                                                                      Where their rules say they always win

Where they need losers to   d   r  a   i   n .

“The cosmetically deformed dancing to their overproduction”

There are many to feed.

Such is the response to calls for accountability -
“Not it. I’m rubber, you’re glue.”

Their first mistake was to forget that we can still see them

and the debased cookie crumbs
Still skirting their mouths
Stinking of their vices
While they play games
with living pieces


  ----------------------------------------------And cumulatively

W h i l e    p l a n n i g    f o r    o u r    f u t u r e s .
And we count ourselves
At least blessed
In having a door
To close and open
At our discretion.
Truth or Lie.
We choose.
We don’t have to play with them.
3. If Corporations WERE people - Their Townhall Meeting

“Corporations are people, my friend…” Crazy as it sounds... But, what if they were? Could they have a say in passing laws to guarantee their rights to civil unions? Would they ever break off in factions of adolescent corporations questioning the smug, bloated wealth of their parents, rebelliously, or would they fall in line and take those extra-curricular off-shore-banking accounting courses? Would they be in favor of charter schools  to further segregationist ideals or would they work for peace in the community, cleaving to Anti-Trust laws just to get back at their parents? I think you know. Share this sneak peek into a townhall meeting that might occur in one such reality and hear for yourself how they banter about each of their biggest concerns:

Donald, Inc.: It is my firm belief that the words, “You’re fired,” are among the most sexually charged words that could ever be spoken by our kind. It demonstrates the type of exaggerated and exalted entitlements possible, awarding the prowess of power while cropping piddly-paychecks of broken and disillusioned people into historical references in a pile of paperwork (begging for the illusion of food entitlements that can be held up for up to 45 days.) It is efficient, it diminishes consumer options, helping to drive up the price for everyone else. It’s a win-win solution for all of us here tonight. I know business! <<slams fist down powerfully on desk despite large stoned pinky ring>> It runs in my golden veins!

Mitt, Inc.: Well, you can worry about any segment of the market if you want, but I deal in high-end consumerism and that means that at least 47% of that market is dead to me anyway. Another significant percentage will spend beyond their limits, allowing us to accrue necessary business tax write-offs, gut their assets, decimate their community and still make "T-off" by 4:00. If we take this route, we can be more certain that we will keep our money from supporting any government that might have the balls to try to tie corporate hands. We did, after all, rise to the top of this coffee like the cream we are! <<secretly, and all the while, wanting to get home where he could belch and scratch freely, wanting to be away from annoying and fictitious corporate courtesy. A weasel who would backstab and eat his own kind as easily as he chews them and spits them out.>>

Sara, Inc.: First of all, I would like to offer embarrassing discussions about the vagina that will deepen the taboo on conversations about “legitimate” rape and the murder of unborn American consumers and labor workers. We won’t want them to live as well as us, (I mean, how could they) but we never intended to get rid of all of them. Who will wash my dishes and cut my grass? No, no, sillies, let's be mavericky about it. So far, our plans are only to roust out the red people that came with the land we got by clever coupe’. They keep aggravating us about silly things like pipe lines and wild life. I mean, what good is wild life if you can’t eat it or make a coat and muffs out of them? Or, who could hate pipes when there are so many profits running through them? I like riding in helicopters, shooting wolves, and looking at Russia from my back porch, so I don’t have time for too much more chit-chat. I might just quit …

Ryan, Inc.: <<putting on chef’s hat>> I like what’s cooking right now. We have confusion and mayhem over guns laws, civil union blocking, and a possible overturn of the 1965 Civil Rights Act. <<putting on military uniform hat>> VICTORY! The War is Over! But the profits from overseas arms treaties are going to pay for my next “slumming excursion” so I can prove that I can say, “100% for the cameras.” Wash that plate, lift that bale-out! ha ha ha hiccup! <<Putting on Jason Hockey Mask, eyes still narrowing behind it to scare himself for effect>> If we can keep on the happy mask until the last minute, they don’t see us coming when we wear our Halloween masks. We can declare a code RED and ... well, red, and we can gouge freedom so much more and we can KILL KILL KILL progress under the Black President. <<raising a pirate binocular to his eye” I can see the future, and we already won the election.

Murdock, Inc.: OK, all that is well and good, people, but we still have to destroy a Black President and you are all sitting around and talking about party games. I had to throw a going away party for a big chunk of my assets and I am still waiting for the fucking return! In reality, we must be willing to lose some money, billions and billions of Dr. Evil seed money. We have to burn holes into the pockets of crooked politicians so we can plant some good news or bad news depending on their compliance ratio. We know who we bankroll, but it is our silent, evil mob right to present as little information as possible about it. I want to get some pizza. Call citizen Schnattner, Inc. and see if we wants to do another busines promotion to only us again...a private show that comes with nude women, inc. who will jump out of a cake... <<psyche! I'm only saying that to tempt Mitt, Inc. into another crazy publicity stunt that will stop people from asking questions about what he was doing behind closed doors with Israel's Kinnessett, or if his dog really shit all over the car beause of the turkey he stole off the counter or if it was over the latest public poll on the guy bankrolling his way of life in his crate from the top of his strange and scary rolling world.>>

Chaney, Inc.: <<speaking to someone off camera that is apparently in his sleeve>> Quit stalling, Pinky! You know what we’re going to do. The same thing we do every night… try to take over the world! I’ve got my schemes in perfect astronomical conjunction with the miseries of the world. We must continue to propel a crescendo increase in the global warming that doesn't exist. There are pointless overseas wars that someone else has to be found to die for that still has to be instigated. We’ve got to continue the moving around of illicit stock piles of chemicals of mass destruction to emerge with during a haphazard press release so we are not left holding an empty bag next time. I won’t be able to make the next town hall meeting, I’ve got my annual deer hunting and shoot-a-friend-in-the-face trip planned and we’re going to have to keep working on removing the number 9 from American use. I want to strip them of the possibility of bringing up 9/11 one more time. Don't people see a milked to death cow when they see one? I made my bed, now I’m going to blow it up.

Scalia, Inc.: You are all amateurs. Our town hall meeting should be focused on a change of fashion for SCOTUS because I keep tripping on the god-damned hem every time I am reaching into my ass to pull out some lame argument about Law that has to be construed into the NEW RIGHT ANGLE, meaning 360 degree corporate entitlement, buried in filibuster meant to elude loophole elimination in the corporate tax bracket of the 0%. We’re so small, less than 0%, that we are virtually invisible. And that’s the way our bank accounts like it! We have to outlaw cursive handwriting behind the scenes, now that it has been taken out of schools, because we don't really need people trying to read the original documents of America's founding if we want to exclude their rights under consideration of OUR version of the Law. Besides, I want to bring back powdered wigs now that I have lost most of my hair. How come I have to go into history as one of the only painted bald guys on the bench?

……………………………………………….TUNE IN NEXT TIIME when (maybe) David Corn from Mother Jones will bring us a secret video tape of these perverse proceedings, like he did another time.

UPDATED 5 27 2013: LA VOTERS APPROVE: "Only people are people" resolution against corporate personhood.


About the Author:

If Corporations WERE people - Their Townhall Meeting

“Corporations are people, my friend…” Crazy as it sounds... But, what if they were? Could they have a say in passing laws to guarantee their rights to civil unions? Would they ever break off in factions of adolescent corporations questioning the smug, bloated wealth of their parents, rebelliously, or would they fall in line and take those extra-curricular off-shore banking accounting courses? Would they be in favor of home schooling to further segregationist ideals or would they work for peace in the community, cleaving to Anti-Trust laws just to get back at their parents? I think you know. Share this sneak peek into a townhall meeting that might occur in one such reality and hear for yourself how they banter about each of their biggest concerns:

Donald, Inc.: It is my firm belief that the words, “You’re fired,” are among the most sexually charged words that could ever be spoken by our kind. It demonstrates the type of exaggerated and exalted entitlements possible, awarding the prowess of power while cropping piddly-paychecks of broken and disillusioned people into historical references in a pile of paperwork (begging for the illusion of food entitlements that can be held up for up to 45 days.) It is efficient, it diminishes consumer options, helping to drive up the price for everyone else. It’s a win-win solution for all of us here tonight. I know business! <<slams fist down powerfully on desk despite large stoned pinky ring>> It runs in my golden veins!

Mitt, Inc.: Well, you can worry about any segment of the market if you want, but I deal in high-end consumerism and that means that at least 47% of that market is dead to me anyway. Another significant percentage will spend beyond their limits, allowing us to accrue necessary business tax write-offs, gut their assets, decimate their community and still make "T-off" by 4:00. If we take this route, we can be more certain that we will keep our money from supporting any government that might have the balls to try to tie corporate hands. We did, after all, rise to the top of this coffee like the cream we are! <<secretly, and all the while, wanting to get home where he could belch and scratch freely, wanting to be away from annoying and fictitious corporate courtesy. A weasel who would backstab and eat his own kind as easily as he chews them and spits them out.>>

Sara, Inc.: First of all, I would like to offer embarrassing discussions about the vagina that will deepen the taboo on conversations about “legitimate” rape and the murder of unborn American consumers and labor workers. We won’t want them to live as well as us, (I mean, how could they) but we never intended to get rid of all of them. Who will wash my dishes and cut my grass? No, no, sillies, let's be mavericky about it. So far, our plans are only to roust out the red people that came with the land we got by clever coupe’. They keep aggravating us about silly things like pipe lines and wild life. I mean, what good is wild life if you can’t eat it or make a coat and muffs out of them? Or, who could hate pipes when there are so many profits running through them? I like riding in helicopters, shooting wolves, and looking at Russia from my back porch, so I don’t have time for too much more chit-chat. I might just quit …

Ryan, Inc.: <<putting on chef’s hat>> I like what’s cooking right now. We have confusion and mayhem over guns laws, civil union blocking, and a possible overturn of the 1965 Civil Rights Act. <<putting on military uniform hat>> VICTORY! The War is Over! But the profits from overseas arms treaties are going to pay for my next “slumming excursion” so I can prove that I can say, “100% for the cameras.” Wash that plate, lift that bale-out! ha ha ha hiccup! <<Putting on Jason Hockey Mask, eyes still narrowing behind it to scare himself for effect>> If we can keep on the happy mask until the last minute, they don’t see us coming when we wear our Halloween masks. We can declare a code RED and ... well, red, and we can gouge freedom so much more and we can KILL KILL KILL progress under the Black President. <<raising a pirate binocular to his eye” I can see the future, and we already won the election.

Murdock, Inc.: OK, all that is well and good, people, but we still have to destroy a Black President and you are all sitting around and talking about party games. I had to throw a going away party for a big chunk of my assets and I am still waiting for the fucking return! In reality, we must be willing to lose some money, billions and billions of Dr. Evil seed money. We have to burn holes into the pockets of crooked politicians so we can plant some good news or bad news depending on their compliance ratio. We know who we bankroll, but it is our silent, evil mob right to present as little information as possible about it. I want to get some pizza. Call citizen Schnattner, Inc. and see if we wants to do another busines promotion to only us again...a private show that comes with nude women, inc. who will jump out of a cake... <<psyche! I'm only saying that to tempt Mitt, Inc. into another crazy publicity stunt that will stop people from asking questions about what he was doing behind closed doors with Israel's Kinnessett, or if his dog really shit all over the car beause of the turkey he stole off the counter or if it was over the latest public poll on the guy bankrolling his way of life in his crate from the top of his strange and scary rolling world.>>

Chaney, Inc.: <<speaking to someone off camera that is apparently in his sleeve>> Quit stalling, Pinky! You know what we’re going to do. The same thing we do every night… try to take over the world! I’ve got my schemes in perfect astronomical conjunction with the miseries of the world. We must continue to propel a crescendo increase in the global warming that doesn't exist. There are pointless overseas wars that someone else has to be found to die for that still has to be instigated. We’ve got to continue the moving around of illicit stock piles of chemicals of mass destruction to emerge with during a haphazard press release so we are not left holding an empty bag next time. I won’t be able to make the next town hall meeting, I’ve got my annual deer hunting and shoot-a-friend-in-the-face trip planned and we’re going to have to keep working on removing the number 9 from American use. I want to strip them of the possibility of bringing up 9/11 one more time. Don't people see a milked to death cow when they see one? I made my bed, now I’m going to blow it up.

Scalia, Inc.: You are all amateurs. Our town hall meeting should be focused on a change of fashion for SCOTUS because I keep tripping on the god-damned hem every time I am reaching into my ass to pull out some lame argument about Law that has to be construed into the NEW RIGHT ANGLE, meaning 360 degree corporate entitlement, buried in filibuster meant to elude loophole elimination in the corporate tax bracket of the 0%. We’re so small, less than 1%, that we are virtually invisible. And that’s the way our bank accounts like it! We have to outlaw cursive handwriting behind the scenes, now that it has been taken out of schools, because we don't really need people trying to read the original documents of America's founding if we want to exclude their rights under consideration of OUR version of the Law. Besides, I want to bring back powdered wigs now that I have lost most of my hair. How come I have to go into history as one of the only painted bald guys on the bench?

……………………………………………….TUNE IN NEXT TIIME when David Corn from Mother Jones will bring us a secret video tape of these perverse proceedings, like he did another time.

UPDATED 5 27 2013:  LA Voters Approve "Only people are people" resolution against corporate personhood.

About the Author:

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Authentic Italian Sauce Recipe - ABRUZZI

For many years I heard about how people kept their recipes a secret in Italian families, especially the recipe for sauce. However, our family has always shared recipes and have enjoyed doing it.
This is the recipe for my family’s spaghetti sauce, or as we called it macaroni sauce. Grandpa’s recipe originally, from the Abruzzi Italy region, and taught to Grandma, whose family was from Calabria, and finally taught to me. I never use wine in my sauce, but my family who does seem to really enjoy it as well. Enjoy and - Don’t burn the sauce!

__________________ Grandma Sabatini's Macaroni Sauce Recipe* _________________________
as told to Nancy, the granddaughter named after her

3 lbs chuch roast (round bone, blade cut or English roast)
*2 pigs feet - sawed, half or quarters OR 1 lb. pork neck bones
1/8 cup vegetable oil (or less if using olive oil)
2-3 large or 5-6 small cloves of fresh garlic
**2 large cans crushed tomatoes or tomato sauce
2 cans (12 oz) tomato paste
1 Tbsp basic
1 Tbsp parsley
1 tsp ground black pepper
***salt to taste
1 small carrot, washed not peeled
1 stalk celery
Optional - 1/2 cup red or white wine
*Many people do not like the idea of pigs feet and this item can be optional. Mild Italian sausage can be added, as well as meatballs in place of the meat offered above. But if you want to taste it like WE ate it, you will follow the recipe.
**NEVER used diced tomatoes or consider adding bell pepper, onions or sugar to the sauce EVER and think you will hold a civil conversation with us about Italian sauce (and we do not count the Sicilian sauces as being in a category to discuss either). Sauces are family trademarks and they are very often not shared because to eat their food you must eat at their house. I share no such idea and will share this recipe with all who will enjoy it. We always do and have.
***Garlic powder can be substituted for salt for salt restricted diets.
     Cut the meat into serving pieces (similar to large bite stews). Put oil and garlic in the stove and brown the garlic in the oil (like the color of medium toast). Add beef chunks and pork to oil and cover, stirring occasionally to keep it from sticking. Add the basil, parsley, salt and pepper. When browned, add tomato sauce, stir and cover. Tomato paste can be added next, stirring then add ~1/2 can of water and stir the remaining paste into the water, pour it into the pot. Add carrot and celery (to sweeten the sauce). Bring sauce to a medium boil, stir and lower. Cook on low for about 3 hours, stirring occasionally to keep the sauce from sticking on the bottom. If your sauce ever starts to burn, pour it into a new container without scraping the pot or you will spoil the pot. If it is very burned, there is nothing you can do, so make sure you check in one the pot about once every 20 minutes to stir well. The sauce is done with the oil rises to the top and darkens. (If you elect to add wine, do so about 20 minutes before taking the sauce off the stove).
NOTE: This sauce may be used on any kind of pasta, polanta, ravioli, gnocchi, or dipping italian bread into. Sauce may refrigerate well for about 2-3 days; it freezes well (if covered well) for about 3 months. IF you want to increase the amount of sauce to stretch it out, the less meaty sauce can double the tomato sauce and still do quite well. Suggested wine: Red wines such as Gallo or Paisano. Green leaf salad also goes well with this meal.

NOTE ADDED BY FAMILY REQUEST on 4/10/13: ALWAYS stir your sauce with a wooden spoon. If you stir it with a metal spoon, it picks up a hint of metal to the taste (for those of us who eat it a lot, it is noticeable).

Homemade Pasta (Grandma Sabatini's Recipe)
Although most people never really measure the flour,
the traditional proportions for feeding 8 people are:
4 eggs
3 cups all purpose flour
It's better to have less flour than more flour. It is easier to work.
Briefly, the steps are:
1. Combine the eggs with the flour - enough flour without becoming stiff or dry
2. Knead to a smooth, elastic consistency
3. Roll out to 1/8" thick
4. Roll up and cut into thin strips
More detailed instructions are:
Pour flour on working surface. Shape into a mound and make a hole in the center. (This will look like a hill surrounding a lake). Crack eggs and put in center. Beat eggs slightly with your fingers. Mis flour into eggs in a circular motion, drawing flour from the inside well. When the eggs are no longer runy, tumble the rest of the flour over them. Working with palms of your hands and your fingers, push and squeeze eggs and flour into crumby paste.
Set the egg and flour mass to one side and cover with a bowl monentarily. Scrape every last crumb of caked flour off the working surface and wash your hands. Then, knead the mass, pressing with the heel of your palm, folding it over and turning ti again and again. After 8-10 minutes, it should be a smooth, compact, elastic ball. Pat it into a flat, bunlike shape. Let it rest under a bowl about 1/2 hour to an hour.
Take it out and start rolling with a rolling pin. Roll away from yourself. Turn 1/4 every time you roll and keep it in a circular shape. Stop when it is 1/8" thick. Cut into strips about 2: wide. Roll each strip lightly and slice about 1/8". Separate these thin strips and let dry on a floured surface.
Pasta Dough (Uncle Paul's recipe)
(This can be rolled out and sliced by hand, or put through a hand-cranked pasta machine. There were arguments about the preferred method of pasta (spaghetti) making. My Grandma always said the hand cut held the sauce better and was preferable for those willing to do the work. My Uncle Joe said the machine was better because it did not make enough of a difference to do all the work.)
This recipe may be multiplied depending on the amount you wish to make.
1 egg
3/4 cup flour (Semolina, Durham, or if you can't get these then use all purpose)
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp oil
1 TBsp water
I usually make three eggs worth for four people.
Beat the eggs, water, salt, and oil together in a mixer if you have one. Then gradually add the flour. When it gets too stiff for your mixer, continue to add flour and mix by hand, eventually putting it on a counter and kneading it until you have a smooth, shiny ball, (add small amounts of flour or water as needed because the humidity in the air will greatly affect the proportions of the ingredients.)
If you do not have a mixer, the process is very different and this is how Grandma would make noodles (if is a lot of work). Put the flour (a little more than the recipe calls for) into a mound on your counter. Make a well in the middle just large enough to break in your eggs, water, oil, and salt. Using a large fork, begin to beat the egg mixture and incorporate small amounts of flour. Eventually you will set aside the fork and after dusting your hands with flour continue to incorporate the flour into the liquid until you have a soft but not sticky dough. Knead it until it is smooth and shiny (5-10 minutes).
Let the dough rest in a bowl covered with a damp cloth for 30 minutes or longer.
If you have a pasta machine follow the directions with the machine. If not:
On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough into a rectangle that is as thin as you can get it. Keep flouring your roller as needed if the dough sticks. Dust the entire surface of the dough with flour and let it get a little dry. While it is still pliable, dust lightly once again and loosely roll it up like a scroll. Then using a sharp (NOT serrated) knife, slice it into thin noodles. Using a flipping motion of your wrist as you cut each noodle so that you are tossing them slightly to the side. This way they will not stick to each other.
When you have cut them all, unroll them and hang them over a clean broom handle to dry (Nancy: I dry them out on clean, flour dusted cutting board or triangular hangers), --(unless you are using them immediately). An alternative method is to loosen them and let them dry on a kitchen towl that has been dusted with flour. If you cook them while they are still fresh, they will cook in 1 or 2 minutes.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

When corporations become people

They Are
              or They Are Not
                                        and Then
                                                        They're Something Else

They use masks and make-up to conceal their earned faces

          Poo poo- pouting at themselves

                    When they face the mirror

                         seeing they can never really hide

the sneer lines, veining into contempt lines

                   veining into haughtiness pockets

                          depressed into their eyes

                                       sharing vile celebrations of successful wrongs

                                       that etched history into their worldly countenance

                        like the lines

tangling their brain paths

in and out of lies and truths

And understanding no real value

Or difference between the two.

The grown-up, agreed upon cultural lie

           Starts with the Santa Lie

                                   Good things come                                                from beyond

                                                                                                                            After Judging you

So they made Santa faces to seemed judged so good that Santa rained toys upon them

a n d            k I n d a         f o r g o t                                                                              most kids.

They wanted to be at the CENTER of the SANTA CLUB, TOO.

 They pounce upon one another’s pallets with delectable sweetness, in beautifully crafted pastries



                       With social agreements

Not to shatter the illusion.

                                Do they know who they are, after they’ve crafted their illusions

                                                      Corrupting delusions of fairness and goodness

                                                                                                      Where their rules say they always win

                                                           Where they need losers to   d   r   a   i   n .

                                                              “The cosmetically deformed dancing to their overproduction”

                                                              There are many to feed.

Such is the response to calls for accountability -
“Not it. I’m rubber, you’re glue.”

Their first mistake was to forget that we can still see them

and the debased cookie crumbs

Still skirting their mouths

Stinking of their vices

While they play games
     with living pieces


---------And cumulatively

    W  h  i  l  e    p  l  a  n  n  i  g    f  o  r    o  u  r    f  u  t  u  r  e  s .

And we count ourselves

At least blessed

In having a door

To close and open

At our discretion.
Truth or Lie.
We choose.

We don’t have to play with them.